European Sailing Academies Cup

The idea
The European Sailing Academies Cup (ESA Cup) is an annual regatta-event which was initiated 2011 by Deutscher Hochseesportverband HANSA e.V. (DHH). It was originated to built up a network amongst the major european non-profit-sailing academies and on this way to provide opportunities for mutual cooperation and international encounters of their likeminded sailing enthusiasts.
Each participating nation is represented by its most famous non-profit-sailing academy with their voluntary instructors on invitation of the respective host nation.
This prestigious competition is currently carried out on keelboats with 4-5 person-crews. In addition each represented nation can register a U21-crew.
The winners
2011 in Glücksburg/Germany: Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub (Royal Sailing Academy)
2012 in Glücksburg/Germany: Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub (Royal Sailing Academy)
2013 in Glücksburg/Germany: Les Glénans
2014 in Glücksburg/Germany: Kongelig Norsk Seilforening (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club +21) / Deutscher Hochseesportverband HANSA e.V. (U21)
2015 in Glücksburg/Germany: Kongelig Norsk Seilforening (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club / +21 and U21)
2016 in Concarneau/France: Les Glénans (+21) / Deutscher Hochseesportverband HANSA e.V. (U21)
2017 in Glücksburg/Germany: Les Glénans
2018 in Marseillans/France: Centro Velico Caprera (+21) / British Keelboat Academy (U21)
2019 in Caprera/Italy: Royal Gothenburg Yacht Club (+21) / Centro Velico Caprera (U21) / "" Trophy: Centro Velico Caprera (+21 and U21)
The participants since 2011
British Keelboat Academy / UK Sailing Academy
Centro International de Navegaciòn de Arousa (CINA), Spain
Centro Velico Caprera, Italy
Deutscher Hochseesportverband HANSA e.V. (DHH), Germany
Göteborgs Kungl. Segel Sällskap - GKSS (Royal Gothenburg Yacht Club), Sweden
Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub (Royal Sailing Academy), Denmark
Kongelig Norsk Seilforening (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club)
Les Glénans, France
SNBH - Sports Nautiques de l'Eau d'Heure, Belgium
UCPA, France